The LEOSS.COVIM.sero-survey is a platform to establish a research forum/ information environment, focusing on knowledge sharing, creating and fostering activities. The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI)/German Center for Infection Research(DZIF), Robert-Koch Institute (RKI) and COVIM provides the unique possibility to combine all case based data collected during seroprevalence and immune studies about COVID-19 to conduct meta-analysis for the National Network of University Medicine (NUM) and other interested researcher (you).
Furthermore, LEOSS.COVIM.sero-survey provides a general overview of research activities about seroprevalence studies.
What is seroprevalence?
In epidemiological terms prevalence is the proportion of people in a population who have a disease.
Consequently seroprevalence is the proportion of people who were tested positive for a specific disease based on serology (blood serum). Seroprevalence studies help determine the infection dynamics in geographical regions or population subgroups.
Contact Us
We are an interdisciplinary team of epidemiologists, infectologists, virologists and data scientists at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, the Robert-Koch Institute and the coordinating sites of the COVIM project in Cologne and Berlin.
Acting Head of Department: Dr. Berit Lange
Project Lead, LEOSS.sero-survey: Dr. Berit Lange, +49 531 6181 3110
Contributors to the hzi-braunschweig/serohub repository: Ruth Kearney , Candice Louw
Project Lead of COVIM: Florian Klein, Leif-Erik Sander
Contributors at the University of Cologne/COVIM-Project management: Susanne Salomon